
Latest coffee news from Jasper Coffee

Celebrating our award for Best Organic Coffee 2024!

Celebrating our award for Best Organic Coffee 2024!

Cold Brew the easy way - how to make the best cold brew at home

Cold Brew the easy way - how to make the best cold brew at home

Cold brew is such a unique and simple way of making delicious cups of coffee at home.
A Voice to the Voice - a message from our directors

A Voice to the Voice - a message from our directors

A message of support from Jasper Coffee in favour of the Voice.

Why we are voting yes.

The trick(s) to storing coffee

The trick(s) to storing coffee

So you’ve bought yourself some quality beans and want to keep them fresh? While coffee doesn’t go bad in the same way that other foods go bad, like an apple or cow milk, your brews can taste less than ideal if you don’t follow freshness best practice. In this article we show you how to keep your coffee yum and minimise food waste.

Best coffee gifts for different kinds of coffee lovers

Best coffee gifts for different kinds of coffee lovers

There’s an easy art to finding the best coffee gift for the bean lovers in your world and we’d be delighted to help. From the message you think they’d like to hear to the beans that speak their particular language of coffee love, we’ve got you covered in this shopper’s guide to coffee gifts.
4 Coffee-loving cocktails and mocktails for summer

4 Coffee-loving cocktails and mocktails for summer

For festive drink ideas that include a nip of the magical brown stuff, look no further than these popular coffee cocktails. Whether you pop them up your sleeve for party days or keep them filed for cheeky recoveries the morning after, we think you’ll love them. Be assured we’ve split the deck evenly between ideas for the 18+ audience and mocktail inspiration for the happily booze free.
Why does coffee taste like caramel?

Why does coffee taste like caramel?

We sat down with Wells in one of our regular Blending Sessions and got to talking about flavour and coffee. We segued, as one does, into why words like cocoa and berries come into play on our label descriptions. Read on for a twirl down memory lane from Wells on finding the right words to describe the mystery of “the brown stuff in a white cup”. 
Jasper’s Fairtrade impact report

Jasper’s Fairtrade impact report

Every time you buy a bag of Jasper Coffee, a percentage of that sale goes towards the Fairtrade Premium we pay. In 2021, you helped us generate a massive $42,492. Read on to see the impact in action.

How to Brew – Moccamaster

How to Brew – Moccamaster

For the Moccamaster lovers who crave coffee on tap in your office or at home, we’ve got you covered with these tips for optimising your brew for you and the crew. Spread the word so you have everyone on the same page.
How to Brew – V60 Pour Over

How to Brew – V60 Pour Over

The Pour Over is a popular, easy and delicate brew method. It produces a beautifully clean cup of coffee and does a brilliant job of highlighting all the coffee’s natural flavours and nuances.
Let’s not forget its convenience, as you can take your pour over cone pretty much anywhere – from camping, to work, to the back shed.
Doing business with a sustainable heart

Doing business with a sustainable heart

At Jasper Coffee, we’re aware that the quality of soil, air, water and viability of people are the essence of sustainability. It’s why we’ve consciously embedded these aspects in our business.
How to Brew – Espresso

How to Brew – Espresso

Even though we love making our lattes and long blacks, there’s something rather thrilling when you perfect the at-home espresso. Remember though, you’re rewarded the more you keep at it. Practice makes perfecto.

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