Single origin, blends, Fairtrade & Organic Coffees

A world of coffee, freshly roasted in Melbourne, delivered daily nation-wide. Browse our broad range of Fair Trade and Organic coffees from around the world - Central American, South American, African and the best from our the Asian region.

Jasper Coffee is an Australian family owned Specialty Coffee Roaster established in 1989, led by Directors Merilyn Parker and Wells Trenfield. With deep roots in the art world, coffee has become our palette. We are dedicated to re-humanizing the coffee supply chain, and have formed strong friendships across the Coffee world in our exploration and adventure into the unknown.

We hold in stock Australia’s largest selection of Single Origin beans, Blends, Fairtrade, Organic & Specialty Coffees. We accept into our repertoire only those beans with distinctions of flavour, body, and aroma that satisfy our palate.


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72 products

Blend TenBlend Ten
Organic Fairtrade
Juliet BlendJuliet Blend
Organic Fairtrade
Billy DunneBilly Dunne
Organic Fairtrade
Peru Café FemeninoPeru Café Femenino
Organic Fairtrade
Ethiopia SidamoEthiopia Sidamo
Organic Fairtrade
Ethiopia YirgacheffeEthiopia Yirgacheffe
Organic Fairtrade
Nicaragua MatagalpaNicaragua Matagalpa
Blend SixBlend Six
Organic FairtradeSold out
Colombia AneiColombia Anei
Organic FairtradeSold out
Mexico ChiapasMexico Chiapas
Organic Fairtrade
Peru Café Femenino Decaf
East Timor MaubisseEast Timor Maubisse
Organic Fairtrade
Buzz AlleyBuzz Alley
Special Release
Grange Estate - Shevaroy HillsGrange Estate - Shevaroy Hills
Special ReleaseSold out
Cuba Serrano LavadoCuba Serrano Lavado
Ethiopia DjimmaEthiopia Djimma
Organic Fairtrade
Isabel BlendIsabel Blend
Blend EightBlend Eight
Caffeine ClubCaffeine Club
Organic FairtradeSold out
Colombia PopayanColombia Popayan
Organic Fairtrade
Heal Country: Red DustHeal Country: Red Dust
Blend FiveBlend Five
Organic Fairtrade
Honduras 'Copan Ruins'Honduras 'Copan Ruins'
Blend TwoBlend Two